Take the quiz and find out whether you’re good at candlestick analysis. Can you guess some of the most well-known candlestick patterns?
const quiz = { questions: [ { image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/1-Bullish-Marubozu.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Bullish Marubozu", correct: true, }, { text: "Three Lines Strike" }, { text: "Piercing", }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Bullish Marubozu. This is a pattern consisting of one green candlestick with a large body and almost no shadows. It seems that her "tails" have been cropped, leaving just a bold big "body". The pattern means the bulls are ready to advance.' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/2-Hanging-Man.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Bullish Marubozu", }, { text: "Evening Star" }, { text: "Hanging Man", correct: true, }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Hanging Man. This reversal pattern forms at the market highs and looks like a candlestick with a small body (the color makes no difference) with a small upper shadow or no upper shadow at all - and a very long lower shadow that must be at least two times larger than the body. ' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/3-Dark-Cloud-Cover.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Shooting Star", }, { text: "Bearish Engulfing" }, { text: "Dark Cloud Cover", correct: true, }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Dark Cloud Cover. This is a pattern consisting of two candlesticks: the market grows actively on the green one and sets a new local high, while on the red one the bears attack. The deeper the closing price of the red candlestick gets into the body of the green one, the stronger the selling signal is. ' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/4-Engulfing-Bearish.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Dark Cloud Cover", }, { text: "Bearish Engulfing", correct: true, }, { text: "Tweezer", }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Bearish Engulfing. This is a pattern that forms on the local highs of the chart. The first small green candlestick demonstrates that the bearish trend is weakening. The red candlestick that emerges after that engulfs the green one by its body and means that bears are counter attacking actively. ' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/5-Hammer.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Piercing", }, { text: "Rickshaw Doji" }, { text: "Hammer", correct: true, }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Hammer. This is a pattern signaling a market reversal upwards and forms at the lows of the chart in a descending movement. The pattern looks like a candlestick with a small body and a long lower shadow.' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/6-Harami-Cross-Bullish.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Bullish Harami Cross", correct: true, }, { text: "Morning Star" }, { text: "Dragonfly Doji", }, ], comment: 'Correct Answer: Bullish Harami Cross. This is a pattern that forms at the local lows of the price chart. The first large bearish candlestick demonstrates active advancing of the bears. However, then a Doji candlestick appears that means that the bears are exhausting their powers and the bulls can reverse the market upwards.' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/7-Rickshaw-Doji.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Rickshaw Doji", correct: true, }, { text: "Tower" }, { text: "Gravestone Doji", }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Rickshaw Doji. This is a potentially reversal pattern consisting of just one candlestick. Its body is in the middle, while its shadows are equal and symmetrical. Appearing on the chart, this pattern means temporary balance, ambiguity in the market. ' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/8-Shooting-Star.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Bearish Harami Cross", }, { text: "Shooting Star", correct: true, }, { text: "Hanging Man", }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Shooting Star. This is a pattern that signals a downward market reversal. It appears at the highs of the chart in an ascending price movement. This pattern mirrors the Hammer: it consists of a candlestick with a small body and a long upper shadow.' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/9-Three-Black-Crows.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Three White Soldiers", }, { text: "Three White Strikes" }, { text: "Three Black Crows", correct: true, }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Three Black Crows. This is a pattern consisting of three candlesticks that one after another open higher than the previous one or at the same level. This pattern can usually be encountered in an uptrend and shows that bears react aggressively to previous price increases and are pushing the price down. ' },
{ image: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/10-Upside-Tasuki-Gap.png", text: "Which candlestick pattern is it?", responses: [ { text: "Evening Star", }, { text: "Upside Tasuki Gap", correct: true, }, { text: "Abandoned Baby", }, ], comment: 'Correct answer: Upside Tasuki Gap that forms in the growing market and consists of three candlesticks. The first one is a green bullish candlestick with a large body, the second one opens with an upside gap. After that, a red bearish candlestick sends the quotes back to the gap area, from where the growth should continue. ' },
plug: { heading: { start: "Guess Candlestick Pattern", startSubText: "You will see pictures of various candlestick patterns and answers. Choose the correct answer." }, image: { start: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Blog-Guess-a-Candlestick-Pattern-01.jpg", end: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Blog-Guess-a-Candlestick-Pattern-02.jpg", passed: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Blog-Guess-a-Candlestick-Pattern-02.jpg", unpassed: "https://blog.roboforex.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Blog-Guess-a-Candlestick-Pattern-03.jpg" }, buttontext: { start: "Begin", end: "Restart", }, totalText: { unpassed : "You've just started on candlestick patterns. Unfortunately, You've succeeded in less than a half of the questions. Still, you have plenty to learn ahead! To know more about candlestick patterns, read our article below.", passed: "Congrats! You've turned out to know most of the candlestick patterns in the quiz. You must be already using them in practice; if not, you can start by opening a trading account. " } }, extraInfo: { answersAtEnd: true, answerPopup: true, passed: { cta: 'Open trading account', link: 'https://my.roboforex.com/en/register/', }, unpassed: { cta: '24 Candlestick Patterns', link: 'https://blog.roboforex.com/blog/2019/09/06/candlestick-analysis-on-forex-main-principles-application-options/', } }, extraText: { button: "Answer", correct: "You are right!", next: "Next", wrong: "You are wrong!", questionText: "Question", of: "of" } };
window.quiz = quiz
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